Spiritual Foundation

Spiritual Foundation

Do you have a spiritual foundation? What grounds and balances you? Where do you go to when times are tough? I could not imagine living without spirituality, actually I can and it was rough. Life was a constant battle, and it seems as if I was always drifting from conflict, drama and chaos.

However, as I entered recovery my spiritual foundation started off on a rocky foot, but as I was open to Spirit my life changed. It started off as a tiny seed that has developed into the most important part of my human life. I lived through years of pain, and I even created suffering for myself in sobriety. Thank goodness, the foundation upon which I have renewed my life pulled me back and grounded me.

I have tried to convince those unwilling to change that the spiritual life is not a theory, and you have to live it. It didn’t work out, it lowered my vibration and affected my well-being. Now I know, those who live by the same laws and are rooted in faith are the people who I allow intimately close to me. I will never date a man who does not live on the same spiritual foundation as me. It didn’t work, and I no longer have any desire to try to force things to happen. I accept the things I cannot change. Guess what? My life is working and my energy is high vibrational which means I’m living happy and joyously.

Miigwetch Kizhay Manitou
Takk Anden
Gracias Espiritu

Insights by, Iyanla Vanzant, that can possibly assist you.