Simple Life

Simple Life

An honest life is truly a simple life. Life is meant to be drama and chaos free, but seriously how much work does one have to do to get there? The truth is quite a lot!

First things first, you must have enough sense to boot chaotic people out of your life or at least set boundaries with those who you can’t do away with. You are your responsibility and you must be willing to keep your self safe; safe from harm from those who do not have honest intentions and just want to use you.

My next suggestion is to do the inner work necessary to have an authentic relationship with yourself. It’s impossible to have any sort of peace if you hate yourself. Who teaches us to love ourselves? Well our family of origin should have, but they can only give what they have. So, if you didn’t get what you needed; you have to re-parent yourself.

A simple life is one where you love, are loved, know your purpose, serve others, are grateful for what you have and are one with yourself. A simple life takes effort, but I tell you it is sure worth it and it’s something worth smiling about! xoxo B

Raising Your Consciousness