

This is a powerful time for change. Recently, there has been two eclipses and with them massive energy shifts. Tonight is a Full Moon. Offering tobacco to the moon and releasing what no longer serves you is an incredible way to intentionally shift your energy and focus. You are a sacred being, prayer is your connection to life. Your thoughts and words are extremely powerful. By shifting your focus from mundane, everyday problematic thinking to thoughts that focus on your connection to Spirit you will notice changes within your being.

On a conscious level, I realize that my social media usage has been distracting. I have prayed less over the last two months and have focused less on my connection to Spirit as a direct result. C’est la vie, I’m still human. However, I know I can use my time and energy in more productive, meaningful ways. This moon, I am releasing what no longer serves me and allowing Spirit to lead me where my focus is needed. Shift your focus, change your life!