Process Your Feelings

Process Your Feelings

Sometimes, we need time to sit quiet and process our feelings. Yesterday I received news that a student I loved dearly passed away. I have to say in the last 24 hours, I felt a range of emotions: anger, sadness, regret and acceptance. We all need time to sit and feel our feelings. I am thankful to have supportive friends and family who have gone out of their way to listen and to help lift my mood.

Losing someone you love hurts. Processing your feelings takes time. Repressing one’s emotions does not deal with the pain; using quick fixes like alcohol and drugs does not get to the root of one’s feelings. Grief is said to be like a wave, at times, you feel like you’re drowning in sadness. It’s okay to feel; it is healthy to cry. Take all the time you need to understand what you’re feeling and then utilize the healthy coping skills you have learned to deal with the depth of your feelings. I wish you all well, and I send my heart felt prayers to those of you dealing with the loss of a loved one.