Self Truth

Self Truth

Self truth is something few people possess and seek. The comfort self truth brings is a life not warped and tainted in denial and insidious lies. Sobriety and working a program have provided me with a level of self truth I would have not achieved without a total psychic change.

What is self truth? And how does one learn to be honest themselves? Where do we learn honesty? And is honesty and truth celebrated in our society.

The simple answer is no. Politicians are known to be dishonest as are newspapers and magazines. We are taught to be dishonest and to skimp on the truth with such things as white lies. Dishonesty is dangerous territory and a slippery slope.

I didn’t all of a sudden become honest in sobriety. I avoided myself within fleeting relationships when I wasn’t working a program or confiding in a sponsor. What an awful experience that was! I marooned myself without the help of someone who would talk rational truth to me and thought the insanity of what I was living would miraculously change.

That was a painful experience and I don’t suggest it. On the contrary, it’s best to get honest with yourself, someone else and your Higher Power. Am I happy? Yes! I’ve had to grieve the fact I no longer tolerate lies or the discomfort living in denial provided me. Even within my family, my role is forever changed.

Self truth is difficult. It takes strength to be able to look within one’s self to recognize what isn’t working and to be aware what has to change. Awareness is not enough, commitment to living honestly takes constant vigilance. I can look at myself with shame and ridicule, but that isn’t going to build my worth instead it’ll disempower me. I did the best I could with what I knew. That was then and this is now. It’s much better living within the light. I don’t feel choked out within darkness. And now when I feel uncomfortable keeping myself in the dark, it’s much easier to step into the light. The most important thing one can be with themselves is honest. You can too, it’s totally up to you. ❤️