All Life has Being

All Life has Being

First I must say, I’m most grateful to be a woman here in Manitoba at this time. It’s unimaginable what women had to endure for millennia and how women are still being treated throughout the world. That said, I’m not coming from a victim mindset, I want to come from a human perspective.

I have found it frustrating and confusing living in a world that has forgot what it means to be human. The vast majority of people on this planet have no connection to the Earth, their Higher Power and to all other living beings.

My Mother and Granny told me while I was in university taking my Bachelor of Environmental Science I had high anxiety. No, I had quickly learned that everyone of our daily decisions impacts other living beings.

The ultimate shift in my thinking came in sobriety. I had known products tested on animals, that support slave labour, sweat shops, deforestation, gene manipulation basically all forms of cruelty and disregard for life were offensive and morally wrong. I changed my spending habits and supported companies that I trusted their mission statements and behaviours long ago.

However, everything shifted when my worldview seen all life as sacred and having living being. In ceremony, I know that when I partake in a Sweat I am communicating and being blessed with the love and knowledge of Grandmothers and Grandfathers who come to share in the Lodge with us. I was connected to the land as a child. My lineage had not completely forgotten that sacred connection and traditional relationship that the Earth as our Mother lovingly providing all that we need.

Living in this world at this time, I see that more people are living in less denial than when I was in university. We have a long way to go in a short amount of time. Our ability to live is in peril, it is! The more people heal the traumas their families have experienced, see the world as having being and spiritually connect to Source things will rapidly change.

There is darkness and Light among us. The key is to realize we are Spirit, our minds and hearts are powerful source energy. We must live by our hearts to protect the Earth, children, animals and plant life. There is cruelty imaginable, but we can stand up for those who are incapable to protect themselves. We can no longer financially support businesses and companies that profit in cruel and evil ways. We are not victims, we are power: we are being! Now is the time to realize our potential and protect the Seventh Generation. Offer those prayers, put that tobacco down and use your intelligence in a good way. Power of the people my friends, aho!

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