Self-Care Requires Action

Self-Care Requires Action

Take time each day to improve the quality of your mind, body and soul. Self-care requires action; thus, commit to doing at least one thing per day in each area of body, mind and soul. For instance, sleep 7 hours to nurture your body, use positive self-talk to strengthen your mind and pray when you wake up to nourish your soul. Every single action you take to be good to yourself is going to improve your quality of life.

We all need to learn to be gentle on ourselves. I once heard Jack Canfield say, “If you treated your friends the way you treat yourself, would you have any friends left at all?” I know I have been way too hard on my body over my life, only now do I realize that by taking care of my entire being I am investing in my own happiness.

Every action we take to improve our health and well-being deserves to be celebrated. Waiting until you lose 10 pounds or getting a job promotion puts off your happiness; instead, be pleased with yourself in the here and now! Be gentle on yourself and believe you deserve to take care of yourself on a daily basis.