Relationship Entanglements

Relationship Entanglements

Relationship addiction can be extremely challenging. People can avoid themselves and their feelings by jumping from relationship to relationship. Being in unhealthy, unsatisfying relationships wears a person down and affects their well-being. Many stresses result from relationship entanglements.

If you want happier, healthier relationships then you must raise your standards. What are your relationship deal breakers? Be specific! Dating someone with the potential to be what you want is deceptive and false. Go by behaviors and facts not fantasy and delusions. Dating can be fun; dating the wrong type of person is not.

Every person is responsible for themselves and their behaviors. Allowing other people to take responsibility for their lives allows them to develop their own self-mastery and for you to focus on you. Relationships and dating can be distractions especially with people you are not genuinely interested in. I say make a list of the qualities you want in a partner and think about what it would feel like to be in that relationship. The happier you are, the healthier you are. Confidence is attractive so take good care of yourself in the here and now.