We Can Do It

We Can Do It

Do you remember Rosie the Riveter from the World War II propaganda “We can do it” advertisements? Rosie the confident brunette making a mean muscle for the camera. Well, like Rosie gals we really can do it. We can be successful in business, complete post-secondary studies, buy and maintain a home, raise healthy families, travel and fall in love. Ladies, we can do whatever we set our minds to!

Unlike women before us, we can vote, own property, attend school and choose to marry who we want. Unfortunately, many women around the world do not experience the freedoms, we the women of North America, are blessed with. Gals, it’s about time we unite and treat one another with love and respect; however, before we can love and respect anyone else we must unconditionally love ourselves.

Corporations invest billions of dollars into advertisements aimed at lowering the self-worth of us women. Come on now, it’s about time, we all wake up and stop giving our power away to a busted ass system that wants to sexualize and enslave us with self-hatred and lowered expectations. Get real! Us, women are starting a revolution and that revolution involves loving and honoring our feminine divinity.

Ladies use your dollars to support businesses that give a damn about you, the planet, animals and children as a whole. We don’t need to buy make-up tested on animals, produced by children in foreign countries to believe we are worthy and deserving of love. We can do it, we can change life for future generations by learning to love our true selves, not the bogus barbie doll version that was sold to us as children.

This article has 2 comments

  1. Nicely put Brandi it was well written and makes sense. Young girls follow fashion trends that are put out to make us feel bad it is for the best. Thank You for enlightening us young kids with your outstanding words.

  2. I love your blog, you’re so beautiful. you’re a good inspiration for teen girls and boys.