Prayer: a Connection to Life

Prayer: a Connection to Life

Who would ever think that the topic of prayer would be controversial? Prayer has somehow lost its place as a priority in our lives and has become something people tend to hide and condemn. Ancient humans worshipped gods through prayer as a way to connect to life, the earth, harvest, blessings and to mankind. Somehow along the way spirituality has become a topic of conversation that most people avoid.

Spirituality is not religion. Spirituality is love, gratitude, kindness, faith, hope and prayer. Prayer connects us inwardly to ourselves, our intuition and to whatever god we choose for ourselves. We are a world that puts our faith in material possessions and physical attributes, and neglects the spiritual nature of other beings. I strongly suggest making prayer a regular part of your day; pray as soon as you wake, pray for your enemies, pray for your friends and family members that are struggling with addictions: pray!

Jesus taught, whatever we shall ask for in prayer, we shall receive. Your words and thoughts are powerful, every word you speak is an affirmation. Your thoughts are creating your life. Keep your thoughts positive, pray for those you love, send your blessings out as a form of prayer and feel a deep, profound connection to life.