Physical Body

Physical Body

It is essential to maintain the body. How do you nurture your body’s well-being? What daily habits do you have that add to your body’s physical health?

The age old saying , move it or lose it, is most certainly true. Our body’s are magnificent beings that are meant to be exercised, worked and utilized. The human body naturally knows how to heal and repair itself; granted we are not overly damaging it.

We must feed our bodies well, drink plenty of water and move. We are a dynamic species that are meant to be on the move. We are not meant to be sedimentary. What kinds of movement do you enjoy most?

Keep in mind, not everyone has to go to a gym, functionally using the body is equally beneficial. Walking is also a great way to connect back to your body. Walk and breathe. Simply walk and breathe with intention. Think about calming your body as you walk. Take in your surrounding and enjoy giving your body the time and energy it needs to be move and be present.

Our bodies are remarkable. Take time each and everyday to physically move and maintain your body in health benefitting ways.