North American History

North American History

Our North American history is not a pretty one. I do not like to focus on the negatives of the past; however, to better understand our present, I feel it is important to acknowledge the past. Less than 140 years ago, the last of the great bison herds were hunted near extinction throughout North America. That means the people who depended upon the vast blessings of the bison were in a position where their futures were uncertain and their ways of life forever changed. The last of the plains Cree and Dakota nations here in Manitoba were left with a way of life that no longer served them and honored their sacred connection to life and to the land.

Over 70 million bison were intentionally slaughtered within a short time frame to make way for the totalitarian agricultural practices we see today. In traditional Anishinaabe culture, the buffalo represents the teachings of respect. Choosing to intentionally hurt another living being does not demonstrate respect. We as a North American, western culture, have not been taught to respect the land, honor our human brothers and sisters and treat our animal and plant life as kin. Unfortunately, our cultural teachings have been to earn as much money as you can and get what you want at any rate.

I know for many years, I did not think about my own spiritual connection to life. Now, I know like the buffalo, we must honor all life, each and everyday from the words we speak to the actions we make. We are all interconnected, we earth beings are connected to one whether we realize it or not. Let’s all try our best to live an honest and compassionate way of life. Miigwetch! (thank-you)