Live While Alive

Live While Alive

We have to live while we are alive. What would be your dying regrets? Would it be not being fully present in your life? Well, let me ask you what is stopping you?

Why wait for things to be perfect or until what you think will make you happy comes along? Instead why not do what brings happiness into your life. Spiritual writer, Wayne Dyer, said, “You do not attract what you want. You attract what you are.”

You cannot fake happiness. Instead happiness is an inside job that shines from the inside out. Are you happy, and do you feel alive?

This summer is going to be an incredibly busy and enjoyable one amidst weddings, farmer’s markets, travel and cabin season. I look forward to travel to Minneapolis, Batoche, Minaki, Thompson, Gimli and Hecla Island. If we attract what we are, then it is most beneficial to be happy and feel alive right here and now.