

What kind of codes do you live by? I was asked what is most important to me in any relationship, I answered honesty and kindness. I see no point in entertaining anything that lacks either.

I have been blessed with a brother in this life who lives by his own code. He’s not phoney. He is who he is; says how he feels and makes no bones about it. There have been choices I’ve made over the years he didn’t agree with. He wasn’t shy to voice his feelings and stood by his values. Obviously at the time, I was offended. In retrospect, my brother’s love was apparent which I’m grateful for now.

I think it’s a beautiful thing to feel our feelings, to not repress them and to be able to safely express them with those we trust. I thank spirit for my Kody, and I’m grateful for who he is. Few people have the strength to be who they are. What are your codes of ethics and do you live by them? I know living in congruency with one’s values feels much better than not. 🔥

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