Good Intentions

Good Intentions

How many people do you know who have good intentions towards you? Good intentions to be kind and genuine who truly care about you and are not just being kind to get something? Those people are ones you would be wise to treat well. I’m sure we all know what it’s like to be taken for granted or have at some point taken someone genuinely good hearted individuals for granted. Both scenarios are great lessons to be learned.

After my recent accident, a girl friend of mine who is altruistic made me a beautiful scarf as she was truly concerned about my well-being. How kind! She made me something from the goodness of her heart not to get something or for a reward; instead, she gifted me with good intentions. That’s the kind of friend I strongly suggest admiring and respecting.

It’s good to think about the type of friend you are and what kinds of people you’re surrounded by. The company we keep says a lot about who we are. So, how many of your friends and family have truly good intentions to all?