Food is Medicine

Food is Medicine

The ancient Greeks knew that the food we eat is medicine to the body. If you are eating a diet devoid of nutrients and minerals, what are you really eating? Your body is your temple. Whatever you put into your body is either hurting or helping you. I treat my body with love and care. I sleep 7-8 hours, drink litres of water, exercise, walk, but the most important choice I make is to eat well.

You must eat breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, as the body has been cleaning itself as you sleep. Upon awakening, your body needs water to get your kidneys working and nutritious food to level your blood sugar levels. Health advocates suggest eating every 2-3 hours, eating snacks that provide your body with complex carbohydrates and protein. Proteins are the building blocks of your body, so eat protein throughout your day.

Eating fresh, real foods is the key to good health. I love cooking with fresh vegetables, garlic, herbs and onions. You can taste the flavor in foods that have been prepared with nutritious, health building foods. I suggest eating 5-10 fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. Simple choices like adding berries to your smoothies & cereal and vegetables to your pasta sauces will benefit your health. From now on, try your best to eat foods that are nutritious and health improving.