Consistent Effort

Consistent Effort

You can have what you want if you’re willing to work for it. This spring, I lost my voice. Stress threw me completely off balance; however, I did all the right things to get to place of health and well-being. This past year has been most profound, I might have lost my voice but I certainly found my power.

There have been certain situations I had enough sense to get out of and avoid. For those of you who feel lonely and you are in a relationship, I can empathize. I say, I would rather be alone than not be treated with respect, love and effort I deserve. I know there are people right now in and out of multiple relationships, non-committal and playing with others’ emotions. Barf! Those are the type of people you want to boundary yourself from.

As a result of not wasting my time in draining relationships, I have been able to consistently work on my health and goals. In the last year, my music career has blossomed into something I am most proud of. My first single, Walk Away, is set to release September 20.

I set my mind to shape up for my music video. I cut refined sugar and processed foods out of my diet and got rid of 10 pounds within a short amount of time. If you want something bad enough you’ll work for it.

What is worth working hard for? Where are you putting your time and energy? If you are not consistently working toward your goals, you are wasting your own time. No one is going to give you everything you want, it is up to you to set your intentions and get busy living your life in alignment with your values and desires.

I feel confident about where I am. I have worked hard to get my health in order and establish myself as a singer/songwriter. I am performing, working in community, am a co-host on a local radio show, #kwe, still writing while doing what I love and enjoy. Being a rescue pet Mom and Granddaughter are most important to me as is honouring those I love through the decisions I make.

I don’t know about you, but I feel satisfied with the choices I’m making and know I am living my best life yet.

Thank you for watching my YouTube videos, reading my blogs & books and following my music career. I appreciate the love and support.

Brandi xo