Buying Happiness

Buying Happiness

We cannot buy our happiness; buying happiness is an illusion. There are countless numbers of people who seem to have everything yet they are still not completely satisfied. Lately, I have been taking a minimalist approach to my consumption. I buy what I need and the goods I buy are high quality. I realize what I buy, I have to pay for. Why would anyone want to work long, hard hours to pay for their belongings? Doesn’t it seem to make more sense to have an abundance of time doing meaningful activities and having more freedom to enjoy our lives?

Most North American, teens spend more time in malls than they do volunteering and building their communities. Malls are monuments to consumerism. They do not shape one’s values or develop moral character. Shopping does not equate connection nor health. Second to the oil industry, the fashion industry is the second greatest polluter worldwide. The run-off of textile wastes, billions of litres of water from mining and crop production, pesticide usage, unfair wages, unsafe work conditions and fossil fuel transportation pollution is having an astronomical effect on our planet and unskilled laborers alike.

What does that mean to you? Well that is a personal question. I just want for you to think about what you’re buying, why you’re buying it and how are those goods are produced? The fashion industry plays upon our insecurities and weaknesses. I say, keep working on developing your self worth, spend time in ways that feel good and don’t overwork yourself to pay for the debts you incur from those consumer goods you buy. We can’t take any of that stuff with us when we go, but we can enjoy our lives while we are here on this beautiful planet.