Attention Seeking

Attention Seeking

Right now the way I see it, too many people are seeking attention outside of themselves by constantly waiting on responses from other people to validate their self-worth. It is easy to hyper-focus on something or someone outside of ourselves.

However, when you start taking responsibility for your life, there will be many shifts within you. When you start focusing on what makes you happy and what inspires you, you will not feel a sense of desperation or attract people and situations that are not good for you.

Ask yourself throughout your day, what do I want? Instead of waiting for someone else to satisfy your needs, you must start identifying what you are feeling and what brings you satisfaction. Desperate people do desperate things. As your confidence grows, you will not pulled into situations or effected by the actions of other people with such intensity.

I say, use your technology to learn new ways to respect yourself, stop seeking the approval of others and get to know what you want! The healthier you are, the healthier the circumstances and relationships you will attract into your life!