Your Magnificence

Your Magnificence

The age old saying, I wish I knew now what I didn’t know then, resonates for me right now. I sure wish I realized my magnificence and worth as I entered into the world. Instead, it has been quite the struggle to come into my own and realize I am worthy of my own love.

I watched an interview today where Maya Angelou said the best piece of advice she ever gave was to have a place within ourselves that is so sacred that is where we meet God; a place we let no one invade. A place we tell people to back off if they treat us with disrespect.

Well not until we realize we are worthy beings and are incredibly blessed will we continue to search for things outside of ourselves and not protect and honour the essence of who we are. No one is going to miraculously make our lives better. Nothing outside of ourselves is going to take our pain and shame away.

No! We must learn to heal from the inside out and truly love ourselves for the remarkable beings we are. We are capable of love, compassion and forgiveness. Yes, we can hate and be capable of unimaginable cruelty. But, the ultimate essence of being human is our capacity to love.

Once we start to recognize our worth, honour our being in all that we do and protect our spirit from that which causes harm: there is no turning back. Our lives will improve and so will the way we interact with life.

Life is meant to be enjoyed and lived from the heart. Love yourself a little more each day and celebrate all that you do to take care of yourself. I hope you are willing to do the work necessary to truly live and love yourself while you are on this planet. ❤️