Believe in Yourself

Right now, you have everything you need within you. Your spirit has always has been with you, even before you were born into the earth plane. All humans deserve to be loved; however, not everyone has been guided into adulthood with healthy, unconditional love. If you did not receive the kindness and love you deserved as a child, now is the time to learn how to trust, love and respect yourself.

Somewhere along the way throughout our lives, we stop trusting ourselves. Stop second guessing yourself. You intuitively know what is good and worthy of you; likewise, you know exactly what does not serve you. It takes courage to be able to be the real you. Learning to do away with fear and rejection are two of the best barriers, we humans, need to overcome.

Fear holds you back and keeps you stuck. If someone has rejected you, be it a parent, friend or lover, believe rejection is your Higher Power’s protection. Yes, rejection hurts; however, there was a teaching within those situations. You are worthy and deserving of love; believe in yourself and live from your spirit.

(Tyson Anderson Photography)