Back at It

Back at It

I may have taken a long break from nurturing my physical health; thankfully I’m back at it. It’s been three weeks since I started working with an online personal trainer: I am most grateful to be working with Vitaliy with Jacked Hamster and going at my wellness as a team. It takes a lot of dedication, communication and honesty to yield results.

My body is responding well to the radical change in eating and exercising habits. At first, it was rough (I’m not going to lie). Thankfully, I have a trainer to voice my concerns to and ask for insight. It’s kind of like recovery and learning to play guitar, I need a coach or someone who has more knowledge and understanding than I do to help guide and direct me.

Thankfully, I have home workouts to do during COVID-19 gym closures. I like to put on my favourite gym playlist and do the workouts in my living room. As a reward for my hard work, I’ve bought myself several new workout clothes; it’s a positive reward for getting rid of 10 lbs in 3 weeks.

In the past, I was not vegan when I ate with a nutrition and workout plan in mind and I wasn’t struggling with my mental health. However that was then and this is now, and I now have a better understanding of anxiety, PTSD and recovery.

Speaking from experience, the desire to take care of myself came unexpectedly. There was no forcing it, it came when I was ready. Seeing as my mental health was suffering for quite some time as I was under duress I really didn’t have the energy at that time. Thank goodness right now, I’m committed to feeling healthier and re-shaping my body. I strongly suggest working with Jacked Hamster and taking care of yourself in a good way. Health truly is wealth, invest in your beautiful selves.

Thanks for the love,

Brandi xo