Social Relations

Social Relations

Social bonding is essential to our cognitive development. Human beings are social animals that require a sense of community and various forms of human relationships. Growing up in toxic environments often limits one’s ability to experience closeness and intimacy. Who do you allow yourself to be vulnerable with? And, what kinds of social bonds are important to you?

Today, I spent the day with my grandparents and a girl friend. We went to church, shared stories of the past, laughed, drank tea and had a delicious meal. We were present and emotionally available to one another. I feel safe and loved in my grandparents’ company; thus, I have a close social bond with them. I am able to be my authentic self.

I hope you have people in your life who you can let your guard down with, be vulnerable and not require social lubricants such as alcohol or drugs to experience a sense of intimacy. Social relations can keep your mind and spirit strong; be cautious and deliberate who you spend your time with.