Wishes and Wants

Wishes and Wants

How was your 2016? What lessons did you learn and how did you grow and evolve over the last year? How has your 2016 been? What lessons and teachings did you learn and how have you changed this year? Taking time to reflect and celebrate how you have grown and evolved over the last year leads to greater introspection and self-knowledge.

We all have the opportunity to live a life without regret and go for our dreams. We can make our wishes come true! No matter what age you are, you can set goals. Part of success is failure; however, you have to be willing to try and believe with all your heart that what you want is possible. Sometimes, you have to fail in order to succeed. The key to success is not giving up. I’m sure 2016 was full on ups, downs and valuable lessons.

Over the course of the last year how have you changed? I know losing my best friend, Copper, and also doing away with several relationships that are filled bad energy I am not the same person I once was. The good news is I am stronger and much more appreciative of how hard I have worked to create a respectable, honest life for myself!

Your dreams and wishes are possible. What you feed your mind grows! Keep your thoughts positive and believe in yourselves. Be sure to have faith in the power of what can be and take 2017 one day at a time.

Compliments of BRFAJARJO photography