Stand Strong

Stand Strong

Right now is the time to stand strong in truth and our power. This is an interesting time in our human history, so many injustices are being exposed and people are waking up to the imbalances throughout the world. We are exposing thousands of years of trauma and saying what it is: dysfunctional.

John Trudell once said, it’s power of the people. We need each other. We are power; we are energy. This isn’t a time to wilt and fade until the fears, doubts and insecurities imprinted on us all.

Instead, we must protect the Seventh generation by using our intelligence in a clear and coherent way. There is nothing wrong with us, and we have everything we need inside of us. We have our intelligence, spirits and hearts.

Together, we can out think the oppressors that have dominated over people, the earth and animals for too long. Enough is enough! It’s time to stand strong. Do so with the thoughts you think and the words you say; love yourself a little more each day.

As you become at peace with yourself, you raise the vibration of this planet. We must protect the earth, the animals, the flora, and the fauna because without them there is no life. We are are the minerals of this earth, it’s time we stand strong and rooted within her magnetic energy. ❤️

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