Soul Soothing

Soul Soothing

This past week has been one of the most trying times in my life. Unfortunately, my best, most loyal friend, Copper, is no longer on this earth plane. He completed his life’s purpose and now is in the Spirit world.

I don’t think I have ever felt this much pain in my heart. Losing someone you love is definitely psychologically damaging. Things are never the same and take time to adjust after the loss of a loved one.

I, in some ways, don’t know what to do with myself. I’m trying my best to feel through all of this pain and its been tough. Taking time to eat, drink water and doing activities that nurture my being right now are must. Having a bath, adding some bath salts and smudging are ways to strengthen one’s spirit.

Do make yourself a priority especially when you’re suffering. Learning to let things pass and finding strength really takes effort when one is grieving. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to allow other people to be there for you. And, it’s natural to feel lonely and sad after experiencing a loss. Be gentle with yourself and do activities that soothe your soul.