Something Better

Something Better

My theory in life is: always something better! If someone is not giving you what you need or the love you deserve: move on. Respect is essential in any relationship. People are taught respect in their family units. If there are addictions, violence and infidelity in a family chances are children of that family have a dysfunctional understanding of love. Instead of wasting your time trying to change someone or making excuses for their poor behaviour, get out!

Why cry over relationships that didn’t work out? Think of them as an opportunity to experience something better. Reflecting on any experience and choosing not to behave similarly makes for a wiser, stronger you. Instead of boo-hooing over someone who treated you with disrespect, look at that part of yourself that allowed the disrespect, heal your heart, tend to your own needs and eventually be open to getting to know people who genuinely want to treat you with respect. Trust me, the belief always something better works if you choose to raise your standards!