

Sometimes all you can do is pray, in particular, pray for those you love to help soothe their hurts. Today, I heard that a friend of mine lost her child. There is nothing more hurtful in this life than losing a child. I had an Aunt who passed away over 12 years ago, there is not a day that goes by that my Grandfather does not think of my Auntie. Tonight my heart hurts for my friend, I smudged with sage, balsam and sweet grass to bring my prayers to my Higher Power. I am so thankful now that prayer is my most important connection to life.

You cannot take someone else’s pain away; however, you can pray for them. We all have people in our lives who are suffering, be it from addictions, depression, abusive relationships, stress, etc. We cannot take their struggles away, but we can send our love to them in prayer.

Before I made the choice to become sober, I had no idea about the power of prayer. My biggest hope for you is to find a loving relationship with a Higher Power. Having a relationship with a God of your understanding will bring peace and calm to your life, and it will strengthen your relationships with the people you love. Pray even if at first it feels uncomfortable, in due time, you too will feel the most beautiful connection to life. Namaste!

(Tyson Anderson Photography)