

Lying is a form of emotional abuse. The deception and lies one tells is harmful to those around them. Seeing that a new season is arriving, it could be of benefit to you to become aware that lying is insidious and has profound effects upon your life.

Being lied to is a violation of trust. Trust is precious. When someone’s trust is broken, it is difficult to rebuild. In the workplace and home, lying often occurs. Why? Is it not an important value to nurture and model?

Lying is selfish and a form of soul sickness. It is not always easy to be honest as it is not easy to do the right thing in a situation. Why is it that we openly joke that politicians are liars? This is not something we should accept or play into.

We want to model to our children that honesty is the building block of any solid relationship. Cultivating honesty takes time and diligence. Every lie we tell effects those around us and inevitably ourselves. This fall, give lying some thought. Think about why honesty is important and think about what you have been lying to yourself and others about. Have the courage to take off the masks you wear and be truthful within all your relationships. Change requires awareness and action, so think!