

What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind in this world? This past weekend, I attended a Great Aunt of mine’s funeral. I was deeply moved by the life she led and the legacy of love, hard work and faith she left behind for her family, friends and community members. My Aunt was not famous nor a millionaire; however, her life did touch and influence many people in a positive way.

What kind of life are you leading? One of purpose and meaning or are you seeking your purpose? While seeking one’s purpose, I hope you are doing little harm in the lives of others. Whether we realize it or not, how we live our daily lives says a lot about who we are and our values. So, let me ask you again, what kind of legacy are you leaving behind for others?

Not every single one of us is going to be famous, but we all will leave our mark in this world. How will people remember you? Will they remember the good deeds you did and how much you served your community? These are the types of values, we all could benefit from not just fame seeking or money making. Keep in mind this week that our day to day lives are important and to enjoy your present moments.

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