Children and Prayer

Children and Prayer

Children are naturally connected to Source. Their spirits are born pure and adoring of a Higher Power’s innate love. Connecting children to spirituality and empowering them with a sense of pride in their heritage strengthens their self worth.

All cultures are beautiful and unique. No religion, culture, sect or denomination is better than the other. As we connect to pray and cultivate inner peace, we are creating a world that is much more loving, tolerant and peaceful. Children are drawn to spiritual teachings because deep within their core, they are born loving beings of kindness.

Not all children are receiving they original teachings that they deserve to know and be brought up with. However, as leaders, parents, teachers, social servants, family members, we all have a vested interest in being kind and loving to all children. Children learn from what they live with; thus, if you as a parent make prayer & connection to spirit and community a priority so will your children. Together, we can change the future on our planet and it starts with how and what we teach our young ones.