
Posts by: Brandi

Resolutions that Fit your Lifestyle

Resolutions that Fit your Lifestyle

Have you set yourself some 2015 resolutions? I suggest this year to create resolutions for yourself that are realistic and are tailored to you. Albert Einstein once said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting…

Get into the groove: Move Your Body

Get into the groove: Move Your Body

Our ancestors had to hunt, gather, carry babies on their backs, cook, sew, trade, move and groove every day. If they were not constantly on the go, nothing would get done. Be like your ancestors: move your body. The more…

Enjoy Your Solitude

Enjoy Your Solitude

As you learn to enjoy your own company, you will begin to find peace within yourself. Often times, people run from place to place and person to person to avoid their own company. When you start to love and accept…

The Seven Teachings

The Seven Teachings

The Seven Teachings are an Indigenous worldview shared by the Ojibway people of North America. According to the Ojibway, the Seven Teachings are a set of traditions passed on from generation to the next as a set of values on…

Brandi Vezina

Brandi Vezina

Brandi Vezina is a spirit building sensation who is committed to making life better for children and the planet. Brandi is an educator, motivational speaker, health expert, singer and model. Brandi Vezina brings her irresistible lively spirit to any organization…