

One of my favorite spiritual teachers, Yoda, taught his young pupil that attachment leads to jealousy, the shadow of greed and one must let go of everything you fear to lose. That’s a tall order yet a wise one. I’m beginning to realize the less conditions and expectations I place on people and situations the more happy and present I am.

Sometimes, I have to laugh at situations I once took way too serious. Really life is one great big learning lesson. Some lessons can be viciously painful; however, the more experience we gain typically the wiser and more aware we become. I’m placing less attachment on outcomes and doing my inner work, so I can be present and truly experience joy.

Try not to take things too serious and remember a mind can be unconditioned and retrained. Allow other people the opportunity to be responsible for themselves and focus on your own healing. Be sure to laugh! It’s attractive and feels good, I’ve learned most people don’t listen. Do yourself a favour, let go and focus on what makes you happy.