Ancient Memory

Ancient Memory

At one time, all humans paid attention to the cycles of the moon, ocean, sun and winds. Somehow most people have lost that intimate connection to the land and in turn to life. Native American activist, John Trudell, once said, “I’m just a human being trying to make it in a world that is very rapidly losing its understanding of being human.”

What does it mean to be human? Were we born to come into this life to manifest destiny? To take whatever we want without regard and have our personal needs met at any cost? I think not! How did our human ancestors live? Were their lives more simple? Did they respect life? Did they pay attention to the rhythmic cycles of the moon?

I challenge you to watch the moon over the next 27 1/2 days (one lunar cycle). Note the changes in the moon, how you feel, how the sky looks and your personal connection to your spirit. Over the course of this month, pray whatever is in your heart, give it to the moon, release what you no longer need and pray to Grandmother moon for what you desire. Offer your tobacco to the moon to release and bring forth what will strengthen your spirit.

Be like our human ancestors and spiritually connect to all life: our planet, the moon, water, the land, the sun, the animals and each other. Look at the moon, remember who you are and honor all life as sacred!