Raise Your Vibration

Raise Your Vibration

What does raise your vibration mean? It sounds flighty and very New Age self-help like does it not? Well, the reality is if we are to be responsible for our thinking, we have to learn how.

We all have been conditioned for generations to think fear shame based thoughts. We have learned to not like ourselves and to feel we are not good enough as we are flawed. That’s not the case, we all have been doing the best we can with what we have been taught; however, now is the time to become conscious of the power of our minds and create lives we want.

Unconsciously we pass on the fear based thoughts we were taught in childhood. We carry our familial generational trauma, shame and fear. Right now, we have the oppportunity to learn new ways to raise our young, serve our communities and consciously create our lives.

In this post-colonial world, things should not feel peaceful and high vibrational (positive energy flowing through us). Depression and angst are the norm as a result of social conditioning for generations. We can change the way we feel by changing the way we think.

I hope you are courageous and have the desire to go within yourselves and uncover those parts you rejected and deemed shameful years ago and free yourself from the bondage of shame. So then and only then, you will heal and help others heal so we as a whole can be conscious and use our minds to create a better world for future generations to come.

Here are a list of thinkers who you can choose to learn from, I have and I am grateful for their courage to help us all:

Dr Gabor Mate
Dr Brene Brown
John Trudell
Dr Martin Brokenleg
Abraham Hicks
Dr David Suzuki
Dr Shefali Tsabary