Health Improving Friendships

Health Improving Friendships

The company you keep reflects different aspects of your character. Friends, who back bite, complain and constantly gossip can be hard on the nerves. Why not try health benefiting behaviors with the people you love? If you want to see different results in your life, then you need to change your behaviors. Here are some suggestions to add more value to your friendships: change up the topic of conversion when it starts to get gossipy, suggest meeting up a park and going for a walk, or try out a new restaurant and eat foods you know that are health benefiting. One of the best ways to improve your friendships is to do activities that are fun and bring you all joy. Laughter has a healing power of its own, so laugh it up with your homies.

Sitting around gossiping is not my idea of a good time. I prefer to keep the company of friends who think and behave similar to myself. Drinking alcohol and turnin’ it up all weekend is not part of my lifestyle; thus, the friends I spend my time with have similar values and behaviors as my own. I enjoy meeting up for morning workouts, brunch dates and walks in nature with my loved ones. Make healthy, fun lasting memories with your friends!