Grounding Your Energy

Grounding Your Energy

How do you rebalance your energy? When I’m feeling kind of off or upset, I head outdoors. Most people struggle with bouts of depression throughout their lives. Louise Hay teaches that depression is anger turned inwards and is a state of hopelessness. By heading outside into nature, something innate within my spirit connects me to life and grounds my energy to the earth. If you are having a hard time and feel like you’re struggling, get outdoors and have some good old fashioned fun.

This past weekend, I was upset. My mom and I went snowshoeing; instantly, I felt better. My energy was rejuvenated and I felt revitalized. I’m sure those of you who live in a climate with a lengthy winter cannot wait for the snow to melt and for the grass to start growing. Well just like the seasons, our emotions and feelings are constantly changing. Take good care of yourself in the here & now, and don’t forget being outdoors you can soothe your soul and change your mood.