Functional Relationships

Functional Relationships

Do you feel truly loved by the person you are giving your love to? If so, congrats. If not, well you have something to think about.

You now are well aware that until a person has a functioning relationship with themselves, it is unrealistic to expect them to be able to meet your needs and wants. Do you have a loving relationship with yourself? Or are you putting yourself in a position to be hurt by expecting someone else to give you the love you are not giving yourself?

Now, if you do have or are starting to have a healthy relationship with yourself why would you want to be with someone who doesn’t have one with themselves? Granted, people can change if they are willing. My bigger question is what is the point of being in something that isn’t soul satisfying? Or not saying what you need to say in a kind way to correct behaviours that upset you.

It is your responsibility to tell others if and when you feel unloved or disrespected. It is also your responsibility to first love yourself enough to know what honours you and what feels good. Nothing will ever be good enough for someone who does not love themselves. Beyond loving yourself be sure to pick a partner and friends who are meeting their own needs, so you can be emotionally available to one another. Everything worthwhile takes effort and you’re worth the effort.