Love that Body

Love that Body

Unconditionally love and accept your body! Your body is your vehicle and vessel that you move through in this particular life. There’s no other way to find peace in your life other than accepting and loving the body you’ve been given.

For far too many years, I picked on the parts of my body I hated and I compared myself to other women. I definitely did not appreciate my body I was blessed to receive in this lifetime. If you are going to compare yourself to other women, compare all parts of your life: career, happiness, kindness, bra size, thighs, etc. Comparison is the fast track to unhappiness, so give comparison up. It’s time we celebrate one another as females. Instead of knocking one another down, let’s encourage and love one another’s individuality and divinity.

The Selfie culture encourages us to depend on others for validation. Instead of looking at other peoples’ pictures and wishing for their lives; make yours happen. Visualize the body you want, eat more fruits & vegetables, less refined foods and exercise to tone your body. Eating well, exercising, meditation and self-love will all help you create the body you desire and deserve.