

Do you recognize your power and worth? Do you know you are a powerful being? I think most of us have been programmed to believe we are powerless and unworthy. However those outdated beliefs must be changed if we want to evolve our human consciousness. We are power! There is nothing wrong with us, and we most certainly deserve our own love.

I recognize that I have been in relationships that did not honour me and lead to betrayal because they mirrored how I felt about myself.

The most important thing I’ve learned to do is love and build myself so strong that I would never stand for less than I deserve. We attract into our lives the people, places and situations that are of similar vibration. If we live in a place of fears, doubts and insecurities that is who and what are going to show up in our lives.

Can you say, been there done that? No, thank you! Well if you’re like me, it’s time to reclaim your power and realize your heart and spirit energy are power and to stop giving your power to those who cannot or will not be capable of giving you love you deserve.

If you want better, you must raise your vibration. What does it mean to do just that? Well, you need to love yourself wholeheartedly and heal the wounds that bind your heart. You are a powerful being and you and only you can find that balance and power within yourself. I send you light and love. ❤️

(Picture compliments of Crystal Rasmussen; thank you my dear friend.)