Magical Maybe

Magical Maybe

Social media is an intentional distraction created to fragment our time as billion dollar companies cash in on the data we spend. As someone who has done away with television for almost two decades, I’ve had an on again off again relationship with social media.

Unfortunately, the fake sense of self worth and popularity a notification, possible text or email provide people are not real. Instead our brains are trained to think of social media popularity and communication as rewards; thus, releasing dopamine when the magical maybe messages or notifications are sent.

What a deliberate form of manipulation created by companies who knowingly hook people and inundate their lives with internet and phone addictions.

Lame! As recently mentioned, I am purifying my life to make way for people who are not distracted and addicted to things outside of themselves.

Our children are watching our behaviours and worse they are given technologies that are causing addictions before their brains are fully developed.

My suggestion is spend more time socializing with people who you intimately know, stop grasping for attention and live in the present.

Make you think!

Brandi’s second book, Moonlit Path, book release