Archive For July, 2016



At this time in our culture, faithfulness seems to be a thing of the past. However, I disagree. I think we are bombarded with messages and images that convey to us that it’s acceptable and tolerable to completely disrespect one…

Yoga Practice

Yoga Practice

Yoga is an ancient practice that nurtures the mind, body and soul. Yoga was first introduced into North America in the early twentieth century. At that time, Paramahansa Yogananda, shared the spiritual and physical teachings of the ancient India practice….

Children and Prayer

Children and Prayer

Children are naturally connected to Source. Their spirits are born pure and adoring of a Higher Power’s innate love. Connecting children to spirituality and empowering them with a sense of pride in their heritage strengthens their self worth. All cultures…



There comes a time to kiss things good-bye! We have all made completions in our lives with things, people and places that no longer serve our greater good. However, there has to come a time to allow completions to come…



Expectations often lend themselves to resentment. Learning to meet one’s own emotional needs and not depending on others to meet your needs is a sure way to happiness. People can let you down. Choosing who to trust and who not…

Our Daughters’ Future

Our Daughters’ Future

Are we raising female leaders? Are women misrepresented throughout the media? What future do our daughters have to look forward to? Recently, I have been quite concerned about how females are represented in movies, music and television. What part do…