Archive For August, 2016

Moving Through

Moving Through

Losing someone you love is never easy. After someone is no longer in your life, it really makes a person question who and what is important. Staying stuck in the pain of loss is optional. Who has been prepared to…

Think for Yourself

Think for Yourself

When you are distracted, you are less of a threat to a system that thrives on complacency. There is a direct correlation between consumerism and corporate big business. Every alcohol advertisement, every beauty product and car ad you see is…

Next Generation

Next Generation

Connecting children to spirit is vital! If children connect to Spirit they are far less likely to be vulnerable to addictions. Children learn from what they live with. If parents have addictions, children are far more likely to be subject…

Life’s Terms

Life’s Terms

Some where in the aftermath of big life changes, things start to settle down and we begin to live from day to day again. Living on life’s terms can mean going with the flow. What is your flow? Who do…

Your Light

Your Light

Melody Beattie wisely said, “We do not lead others into the Light by stepping into the darkness with them.” There is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of wanting to be in a healthy, loving and functional relationship. However, in order…