Authentic Self

Authentic Self

It’s sure an extraordinary feeling being grounded within one’s self. It has taken a life time to be at a place where I am able to rely upon myself and feel satisfied with where I am in my life. I have friends who have rushed into relationships who now realize they wished they would have taken the time to be at peace with themselves.

From the time little girls reach womanhood they are conditioned to believe that Prince Charming is going to save them; save them from loneliness and themselves. Those belief systems are engrained and difficult to overcome.

Pioneer and international lecturer, Caroline Myss, Ph.D., got me thinking about what do I like? What makes my happy? What are my strengths? What are my weaknesses? What makes me need the attention and approval of others? And, why do I do the things I do?

I know this, I’m at a place where I’m not convincing anyone to think or act like me. I enjoy my own company and I’m most grateful for the life I’ve created and am blessed with. Not many people think like I do and I’m at peace with it.

I live a sustainable life where I intentionally do as little harm to the earth and animals as possible. I eat a vegetarian diet, use products not tested on animals that are as local, non-gmo, organic and free range as possible. I’m sober and entertain friends and family with similar values and goodness I tell you: I’m happy!

I hope and pray you all get to a place where you can be your authentic self and are happy. We all deserve to live from our hearts and powerful spirit energy. The choice is yours how you want to live; all I can say is the path I’m on feels good. 💋