Archive For October, 2018



Have you ever tried something new? Even though, you felt completely vulnerable and scared to fail, did you push through and do it anyway? How do you cope with fear and self doubt? Most people have an inner critic and…



What energizes you? How much time are you allotting to those activities? It is easy to not meet our own needs being constantly busy. At this point in time, I feel like my basic needs are on the back burner…

Self Truth

Self Truth

Self truth is something few people possess and seek. The comfort self truth brings is a life not warped and tainted in denial and insidious lies. Sobriety and working a program have provided me with a level of self truth…



There is some truth to age old sayings like there are season for all things. As you can tell, fall is upon us and the year is coming to an end. What have you learned over the course of this…