Soul Lessons

Soul Lessons

During our lives, our soul gains wisdom through experience, trials and tribulations. As we experience pain, sorrow and heartbreak we learn. Not all people are willing to change their ways; in order, to create a different life experience. Some people go throughout their entire life unwilling to change. However, there are those who learn from their past experiences.

Often times, the people and experiences that hurt us the most provide the greatest life lessons. I was reminded yesterday that the greatest gift my last relationship provided was the realization that it is not wise to allow someone spiritually sick close to my heart. I could have went on my entire life in the exact same relationship I have always been in.

I am grateful for the soul lessons. Pain is a great motivator; thus, I refuse to endure this sort of hurt again. I shall choose wiser, be more cautious who I allow into my life and not tolerate certain behaviours from anyone. I hope you are gaining soul lessons as gently as possible throughout your life time.