

Niwijiwagon means partner in Ojibway. The original translation referred to a friend or comrade who you went into battle with; someone who literally had your back. It is certainly nice having people who you are connected to in spiritual ways. Right now, many people are looking for connection to others in non-spiritual ways. Last year, I did away with my social media accounts. Granted, I was able to reach out to many people through social media; I realized I did not like what I was absorbing and wanted change.

Nowadays, the relationships I nurture and cultivate are ones that are spiritual in nature. People I attend ceremonies, meetings and make music with are the ones I have most in common with. I say love all! I do not scoff at people who have different values than me; however, I do socialize with people who have similar values as my own. I love my niwijiwaagons and thank Spirit for them daily!