The most powerful force in this world is love! There is no force more powerful and healing in the world as love. Many people live their whole lives scared to love and scared to be hurt. One of the biggest regrets people have at the end of their lives is not loving as much as they believe they could have. I like to live my life, one day at a time. That means each day, I get to share my love with those I care about and I get to do some of the things I enjoy that fill my heart with joy.
Often, we overcommit and spend our days in toil doing things we really don’t want to do and in the end, we feel angry and resentful. My suggestion is to make sure each and every day, you to take the time to do things you’re passionate about. When you’re engaged in activities you enjoy, you are consciously present by doing what you love and will attract success to you. Happiness attracts success, so keep doing the things you love and enjoy.