

Where do you invest your time? Your thoughts, words and actions are an investment. They create your future and have effects in your present. If you’re constantly complaining and are angry that is where you’re putting your energy. And where you invest there is always a return.

Yes, life can be frustrating and things are not always going to go our way. However, we must shift our attention to gratitude. There are enough people who have learned how to step into a healthier mind set that there is no reason anyone should have to suffer alone.

I was listening to a lecture on loneliness this weekend. And loneliness is a precursor to an early death. Happiness does not equate material wealth, so how much time are you investing into meaningful relationships? Ones that are soul soothing and comforting.

It’s difficult being around negative, angry people. Therefore it’s on you to change your attitude and be a person people enjoy being around. First you must start with liking yourself. How can one be good to others if they’re at odds with themselves? Well, you are worth your own time investment as are those who love and support you.