Cyberbullying Hurts

Cyberbullying Hurts

Cyberbullying is an important issue I would like to address. I am a Middle Years teacher, and I see the daily affects of children being cyberbullied online. Realistically, how can we expect people to police their online behavior without monitoring? Unfortunately, if you look online you will see all sorts of abusive and inappropriate comments that have devastating impacts because of how public and permanent they are.

Whatever happened to the “Golden Rule” of treating people how you would like to be treated? We all make mistakes and say/type things we really don’t mean in anger. However, before you write or say something out of anger, think, think, think! You need to learn to channel your feelings in a positive way and not let anger get the best of you. Most people, project what they think of themselves when they say hurtful things. Most bullies have low self-esteem; thus, they take their deep emotional pain out on other people.

If you have been a victim of cyberbullying, you need to learn not to take it personally, report abusive behaviors to website administers and if need be contact the police. Nobody has any right to make you feel unworthy or abuse you. I, personally, pray for the people who have harmed me because I realize if they can be cruel to me, they are definitely unkind to themselves and others throughout their daily lives. It is my fundamental belief that if all people learned to love and value themselves matters like cyberbullying would not be an issue. Namaste!